Monthly Q&A

Q&A’s take place on the 20th of every month, and remain here until the next round of questions. Submissions are always anonymous and visible only to other members.

Q&A, April 2023

My fiance doesn't really believe in manifestation. He keeps unloading all of his negative thinking and mindset on me, especially when it comes to money, which is something that I am trying to manifest. It gets very frustrating when he keeps affirming all his negative thoughts about it and is not very supportive of this manifesting journey. How to deal with this as I can't really ignore it?

Sometimes PEOPLE need to become part of our mental diet. At some point, your new beliefs are going to become so deeply engrained and natural to you, that his doubts won’t bother you. They will still stand out, but only due to their extreme contrast to your own. My advice is not to even mention the manifestation part of what you’re doing! A lot of people will say, in broad terms, never to tell others about your goals, and its for this reason. You are in control— nobody else’s doubts or energy can ever “jinx” your success. BUT, if their doubts are infectious, and you cannot help but be moved by them, well then you’ve lost your state of belief. Internally, remind yourself that his words and actions bother you BECAUSE they’re so far away from YOUR TRUTH. He can be “correct” in his reality, and you can be “correct” in yours. This is true of so many different topics, but I think the reason money is such an emotional one is because money ties back to stability, safety, and sometimes to status. Consider that perhaps his issue isn’t about money at all, but THOSE aspects of his self concept.

How should we go about manifesting if we get sick? My energy goes way down and I tend to lose focus. Is it better to put manifesting on hold or keep trying?

You don’t need a whole lot of physical energy for manifestation. When you’re doing ritual work, both mind and body need to be in top form, but only because you’re distilling your manifestation into one shot, intense burst of energy. For that 10, 20, 60 minutes that you hover over your altar, you are devoted to your intention— but you don’t really revisit it once your ritual is over. Manifestation is more fluid, and more cerebral. When I say you should be brining up feelings during manifestation, I don’t mean physical energy (it is great that you are able to do this at will though— some people cannot). When I say “feel”, I mean that you should get so deep into your visualisation, that it should be so vivid, that you actually start enjoying yourself. You imagine yourself enjoying a sweet moment on vacation with your family, and it actually brings a smile to your face. You imagine resting at home, having paid your bills easily, and feel some stress melting away. You imagine a sexy moment with your lover and you get turned on. You should end up feeling MORE energised, or as though you’ve sat in a restful meditation, when you’re done visualising. When you start to feel tired or aren’t enjoying yourself, its time to stop. You should always WANT to do your activities, and its very, very ok to disconnect for a bit if you feel too sick to focus.

About meditating and visualising, I am not too great at it and can’t seem to see any images in my head. I’m manifesting my dream home and have been trying to have an image of it in my head before I go to sleep and when meditating but I can’t fully visualise it. Any suggestions?

You definitely don’t have to use visualisation— not everyone’s mind works that way. However you tend to imagine or think about things that you are already doing in your life is just as effective. You can carry on an inner dialogue with yourself, as though you’re already in the house and thinking about what you’re going to do to it next. You can create a vision board, lists, anything. Or even as you drift off to sleep, just imagine you’re falling asleep in that house. Visualisation (and all of these other techniques) are just a means to an end. All that matters is your unshakable BELIEF that you are capable of getting that house, and will, no disclaimers or timelines attached. It is simply a matter of fact that that dream house exists, and will be in your possession. So long as you believe that, and carry that belief with you in everything that you do, the means by which you get there doesn’t really matter.

I was wondering about dream interpretation when manifesting. If I have been dreaming about people I haven’t been friends with in years and my ex but they have all been good dreams where they treat me well and they have left me feeling okay. Does that mean my self concept affirmations are sticking or is there more to it?

Your manifestation efforts are going to call in a lot more than just the thing you want. You’re changing your energy, and other people can feel that, period. It’s common that when you’re manifesting love from a specific person, you start getting approached more in general. Or you manifest a job, but then get more offers than you know what to do with. This is why, with spell work, I often tell people that they won’t want their SP by the time they come back. Their SP is coming back because the energy has changed, and that usually means there are going to be a lot more options and a lot more going on in their love life. I would take these dreams as a sign that you’re on the right track, but NOT sign of completion. Keep doing what you’re doing. What you see and feel inside is always reflected outside, and that goes for dreams too.

Lately i’ve been seeing tons of signs that my sp is close, but i still haven’t heard from her and i’m getting so discouraged. am i doing something wrong?

Probably not! Remember, signs and movement should be one in the same. If you focus on anything, you’ll see more of it. You buy a red car, you see them everywhere. You start dating someone, and now you’re hearing their name all the time. Things like that are a sign of synchronicity, and their not insignificant, but I encourage you not to dwell on them. If you take satisfaction in the signs alone, you’re stopping yourself short of what you really want, which is the girl! You want big signs, like mutual friends mentioning her, running into her, getting texts. Manifestation is very cerebral, but what we’re doing is REARRANGING REALITY! So look for the ways reality is rearranging itself to accommodate your requests— then smile, and go back to what you were doing. It’s always so (so) satisfying when you start seeing things line up. Sometimes I am still so shocked I start laughing when I see it. But you really don’t want to dwell on signs, because they are ultimately not what you’re after, and sometimes, you get what you want having received no signs at all.


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  • Nooooo! I hate when people say that people manifest their own assaults or somehow caused their misfortune through bad thoughts. There are a lot of people in this world, and you’re going to pass a lot of sinners AND saints every time you walk down the street. Your thoughts and beliefs may attract more of a certain kind of person in your life. Your self concept may dictate the types of interactions you tend to have with those people. But even the strongest, most positive creators are going to encounter an asshole every now and then. They’re going to be more resilient, and they may be able to manifest more resources for themselves. But absolutely nobody manifests their own demise on the scale I think you’re referring to. Law of Assumption and Law of Attraction are not the only laws in this universe. I think some things are still fated, or written into our plan for reasons outside of our control.